Show you the most common signs your relationship will end up in heartbreak allowing you to avoid them and keep your heart protected.
So we all go in to new relationships with excitement and high hopes of “this one that might just be your last one”. Unfortunately it doesn’t always work out that way. We ignore early warning signs, we pretend not to notice the wrong and we run head first into heartbreak. But what if we did it differently, what if we actually listened to that gut feeling and acted on it instead of ending up heart broken again. Well here we are going to list top 4 signs that should make you sit up take notice and do the right thing by walking away.
1. Words don’t match actions: Words are easy to say, actions not so much, If they seem really keen show interest but keep cancelling dates, or constantly moving the goalposts then we have to look at words v actions. If someone is interested and does want to try having a relationship with you early on it should be effortless to remain in contact and in touch with each other. The excitement of the first few months should be peaked for the majority of the time and the words and actions are aligned. Anything different is a massive red flag and should not be ignored. Get higher standard and only trade in the currency of actions and NEVER words.
2. They can go cold in a heartbeat: Coldness is a tool hurtful people use to inflict hurt on to others remember hurt people will always hurt people. Love however is not. If they show how cold they can be during the start of a relationship if you don’t agree with them or they aren’t getting their way it is a very strong sign that when something difficult occurs or you face problems in the relationship that is going to be the go to response they use. They are showing you what. they are and you have to pay attention. They are just preparing you for what’s to come and they have only served the starter at this stage.
3. All past partners were crazy stalker types: It is easy to project and blame on others instead of looking at our own flaws. If they talk about all ex’s as crazy or stalkers think about it like this. Let’s take the last 3 relationships and ask what was the one common factor in all relationships and the defining answer is them. Also they only tell you what they want you to hear but was the ex a crazy type before:
They were lied to
Ghosted (apparently it’s all the rage now)
Cheated on.
Treated like an option.
Made to question ones own sanity.
Started something with someone else and had no remorse for it.
Feed you scraps and felt no guilt.
Kept saying they were a good person(saying you are a good person doesn’t make you one) and everything is your fault or if you hadn’t been this way they wouldn’t be that way( 101 gaslighting)
4. Alcohol changes them: Be vary wary about how alcohol changes a person. Let me assure you alcohol doesn’t change a person. It actually enhances who they are deep down inside. If they get drunk and turn in to a rude, obnoxious, cold and angry person that’s actually who they are. Drugs are the same. You have to check your moral compass on this and if they think these things are ok and acceptable and you do not the question is why are they in your life in the first place. The stories they tell you are a key indication of who and what they are at the start and should not be ignored.
Added note for 2024
More and more in this day and age do I find the practice helping couples and individuals because of the thing everyone apparently is doing these days called cocaine. Let me just assure you,
No it’s not harmless.
No it’s not normal.
No it’s not just having fun.
No you don’t need to chill out and stop being judgmental.
When it becomes a regular occurrence and part of the life style you are always going to be second best to it. If it does play a part in your partners life then I can promise it is not going to end well as you will always be second best to this new normal behaviour, along with the many come downs and walking on egg shell moments and tensions it brings to your life. Always remember if you state your standards and morality at the start of a relationship and enforce it by knowing your own self worth you will avoid this sort of person.
Life is short, life is precious and life is for the living. If you see any of these actions do yourself a favour and walk away. You truly deserve better
Serenity by Kevin is a Multi award winning relationship and anxiety practice with offices in Central Scotland and Dubai UAE. If you have any questions or would like to get in touch please go back to the home page and hit the contact us button and you may just be surprised at what changes we can bring for you.